Is Pakistan the next Muslim country  to be destabilized?

After Bosnia, Kosovo,  Afghanistan, Iraq,Syria,Libya and now Sudan.

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Will Pakistan be the next Muslim country for destruction after Bosnia, Kosovo, Afghanistan, Kuwait,Iraq,Syria,Libya and now Sudan. Ever since the collapse of former Soviet Union in 1989 the sole super power United States,Europe,Israel and their Arab collaborators  have destroyed many Muslim countries.

In 1971 Pakistan  was broken  into two and  a new country Bangladesh came into being  due to the blunders of  corrupt armed forces  and equally politicians . More than half a century later today’s political crisis triggered since the   removal of Prime Minister Imran Khan   shows neither the  army nor the politicians  learnt any lesson.

Ousted Prime Minister Imran Khan  was trying to build a Pakistan which could depend  on itself rather than  on outside  dictates. He also spoke about forming an Islamic bloc of countries together with Malaysia’s former Prime Minister Dr Mahathir Mohamed and Turkey’s President Erdogan.

Such moves alarmed the west and their  Gulf Arab stooges .The result was the removal of Imran Khan and installing an illegitimate government under Shehbaz Sharif. This triggered countrywide  spontaneous  uprising showing Imran’s popularity. 

 Pakistan is a Muslim country surrounded by many enemies. The hostile forces  remain active to further divide and destabilize this only Muslim country with a nuclear facility.

 Pakistan’s illegitimate government’s   corruption charges against  Imran Khan        demonstrate the extreme  vindictiveness   of the army and the  government to finish off Imran  Khan  and help implement the evil designs of their  US European masters and Arab tyrants.

 In an article titled “ Imran Khan’s arrest is a dark day for democracy “columnist Peter Oborne  said  that the former Pakistani prime minister’s refusal to act as a pawn for the US might have been a factor in his downfall. Today’s political situation in Pakistan resembles the chaotic situation which prevailed during and after the Arab Spring in Egypt.

The US. , Israel and their Gulf collaborators were  happy with their    stooge  Egyptian tyrant Hosni Mubarak who was overthrown  from power during the Arab Rising, In the subsequent free and fair elections pro Islamic Brotherhood Mohamed Morsi was elected  .

There was alarm bells all over the west,Israel and among the secular Arab tyrants  . They got Saudi Arabia,United Arab Emirates and Kuwait to spend eleven billion dollars to create food and fuel crisis and instigated a popular  uprising. During the chaos military  overthrew  Mohamed Morsy and installed in power another   anti Muslim  Zionist stooge Abdel  Fattah Al Sisi .

As pointed out by Peter  Oborne” Mohamed Morsi, the only democratically elected leader since Egyptian independence, was hustled off to prison, where he died six years later. Today, it looks all too likely that history will repeat itself – this time in Pakistan.

Like Morsi,  Imran Khan had the impertinence to defy the US. Like Morsi, he came to power through democratic means – an idea that the West claims to support in theory but never does in practice when it comes to Muslim countries. As with Morsi, there is no stench of corruption around Khan. Like Morsi, he is a man famous for his deep personal integrity. Morsi was an Islamist; Khan often references early Islamic governance in Medina .

Hatred of corruption brought both Khan and Morsi into conflict with the entrenched vested interests that have governed their respective countries so badly and for so long. Their honesty shamed the governing classes, which is one powerful reason both made enemies. Khan was arrested  by paramilitary forces and faces ridiculous corruption charges – patently absurd . 

Yet anyone familiar with the troubled history of Pakistan will know it’s an open question as to whether Khan will ever be a free man again.

Consider the facts. Khan, who was elected prime minister in general elections almost five years ago, is by far the most popular and respected political leader in today’s Pakistan.The next election is due this October. Were Khan to run – which he is fully entitled to do – he would win the largest democratic mandate ever secured by any politician in the 75-year history of Pakistan. 

This would be a disaster for the incumbent prime minister, Shehbaz Sharif and disaster for the corrupt business interests that were being hunted down under the Khan premiership. And it would be a calamity for the US, which, as history shows, has a structural hostility towards any Pakistani political leader with a democratic mandate. The US prefers to rule either through client dictators or compromised democratic politicians.

Khan’s card was marked during the US-led “war on terror” after he bravely campaigned against American drone strikes on Pakistan’s tribal areas. This point-blank refusal to act as a pawn for the US won him significant local popularity, but none in the Bush or Obama White Houses.

Unlike many political leaders, Khan, a man of principle, fell out with the US after the fall of Kabul to the Taliban nearly two years ago. They were at odds over Afghan state assets frozen by Washington, and more so about US flights over Pakistan. 

Khan and his allies have alleged that the US worked hard to undermine his mandate and place his political opponents in power.  Such claims are not absurd, since the US has treated Pakistan as a vassal state ever since independence in 1947. 

US aid to Pakistan always skyrockets during periods of military dictatorship, while it is telling that only five US presidents have ever visited Pakistan and only during periods of military rule: Dwight Eisenhower; Lyndon Johnson; Richard Nixon; Bill Clinton; and George W Bush.

If the US really believes in democracy, as it claims to, it should   express its hope that the former prime minister is allowed to run for office, untrammelled by what look to be trumped-up charges.

So far, there is  silence from the White House. Britain has been similarly tight-lipped. This silence speaks volumes. If an opposition politician was arrested in Russia, Iran or China, the US and Britain would be loud in their condemnation. Today is therefore a dark moment for freedom and democracy, not just in Pakistan but around the globe. Let Khan go!

Already army had imposed a blanket ban on the country’s media from publishing anything about  Imran Khan . Indications are that Imran Khan may end up facing the same fate  as Mohamed  Morsy.

Ousted Prime Minister Imran Khan

Supporters of Imran Khan

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Disclaimer: Is Pakistan the next Muslim country  to be destabilized?

After Bosnia, Kosovo,  Afghanistan, Iraq,Syria,Libya and now Sudan. - Views expressed by writers in this section are their own and do not necessarily reflect point-of-view

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