THE TRUTH about the dreaded ISIS: “ISIS is US!

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Have you wondered why we are losing the war on terror? Or how Russia took out more ISIS targets in a few days than the US coalition in two years?
Then this is the book for you.
“ISIS IS US” explains what’s really behind the rise of ISIS. Why the mess in the Middle East is no failure, it’s the result of a “divide and chaos” policy.
A panel of authors tells the incredible story with impeccable references. The strategy, the motive and the historical background, are all here.
You’ll see why the wars on Iraq, Libya and Syria were not for democracy, but to break them into quarreling mini-states: divide and rule.
Read about how the US occupation in Iraq set up Sunni and Shiite death squads to carry out ethnic cleansing campaigns, like Nicaragua in the 1980’s. ISIS was born from these terror brigades.
In Libya, the US supported extremist rebels to topple Gaddafi. False reports of the Libyan army killing civilians were used to get the UN to OK a no-fly zone. US airstrikes then decided the conflict for Al Qaeda.
In Syria, mercenaries and snipers carried out random killings, which the US embedded media pinned on Assad, trying to get a UN green light for a NATO bombing campaign.
And last but not least, who benefits from the bloodshed.
An absolutely eye-opening book.

This book has been referred to by a Princeton University PhD, well renowned writer, an expert in international politics and a Senior Lecturer at the Open University of Sri Lanka, Dr.Darini Rajasingham-Senanayakein an article she wrote about a terror attack in Sri Lanka, blamed on ISIS, to deflect attention from the real culprits.
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